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                          The newsletter was created in January of 2008. The name “THE ATHENIA CANTEEN
                     was chosen in honor of the Post beginnings and our community leader Mayor Stanley Zwier
                     and his crew. His facility the ATHENIA CANTEEN kept in touch with the Athenia men and
                     women in the military. They provided a central location for the Athenia community to get
                     information about relatives and friends in the military and it provided a meeting place for
                     servicemen on furlough. Our newsletter is in keeping with this tradition of getting out
                     current information to our AVP members via print and computer web site.

                          We bet you didn’t know that this newsletter is created by only two Post members. They
                     are Richard Ashton and Michael Rembish. Back in ’07 during a general meeting a member
                     complained about a lack of communication, and someone mentioned that maybe we should
                     have a newsletter. A light went off and Rich went home and began working on ideas for a
                     newsletter and its contents. After designing the overall look of it he got approval from the
                     Post to make an official newsletter. Only one problem, a skilled writer was needed for the
                     articles and Mike fit the bill perfectly. We began to get information from Post individuals. We
                     felt this information would be of interest to all Post members. With the acquired information,
                     Mike would begin to write and Rich would provide the necessary graphics and production.

                          We are pleased to know that many of our Post members like the newsletter. We intend
                     to keep publishing into the foreseeable future and expect to maintain the quality of
                     information that you have come to expect.